Acrylic on Canvas Panel, 8 x 8 inches. This is my first painting of Sunflowers in Marion Dutton’s ArtTutor online course. This course focused on wet on wet with acrylics to create this still life. First layer was painting directly on a wet layer of white gesso. Blue and yellow were used directly on the gesso to create a background of of blue, yellow and green. Gel medium and retarder were mixed and used for wet on wet painting. The vase was drawn using a template, and then flowers and leaves were added before painting. Using cadmium red (right side of vase), alizarin crimson (right), and cad orange and some white, the vase was blocked in. Using sap green, the leaves and stems were painted. The flowers were created using at least three or four layers of yellow ochre, cad yellow, titanium white.